Helpful Tips to Choose the Right Cannabis Strain for Your Needs

Are you planning to visit your local dispensary in the near future to purchase cannabis? If so, one of the first things you’ll realize is how many options there are. The question is – which strain is right for you?

If you find yourself in this situation, there are a few tips to help you choose the right marijuana strain, which are found here.

Get to Know the Different Types Available

There are two primary types of marijuana strains: sativa and Indica. Sativa strands are known for giving your energy and making you want to do something, while Indica strains are commonly used for relaxation purposes. You can also find hybrid strains, which combine sativa and Indica, giving you the benefits of both. Be sure you know the affects you are looking for before visiting the dispensary. 

Research the Available Strains

Each of the strains that are available will do something unique. There are some that boost focus, while others provide you with boosts of energy. There are also some strains that make you sleepy and others that will stimulate appetite. Figure out what you want to achieve with the strain and then find the one that best works for you.

Understand Your Tolerance

Are you very experienced with marijuana? If you are new to the use of cannabis, you may want to find strains that are lower in THC and higher in CBD so you can get the desired benefits without the “high” effects caused by THC. However, if you have used cannabis in the past, and you need a strain that is stronger, try to find options that have a higher amount of THC.

Consider the Smells You Like

Do you plan to smoke your cannabis? If so, it’s a good idea to find a strain that you like the smell of. Each strain has a unique smell. There are some that will be sweet or fruity, while others will be earthy. There are even some that people describe as smelling “skunky.” Figure out the aroma that is right for you to find a strain you will enjoy.

Consider Availability

Just because you have found a strain you find appealing online; it doesn’t mean it’s going to be available for you to purchase locally. There are some strains that may not be as popular where you live. It’s a good idea to find out what is available locally, if you plan to buy locally. This will ensure you only choose strains you actually have access to.

Choosing a Cannabis Strain that is Right for You

While there are more than a few options when it comes to types of cannabis, if you use the tips and guidelines here, you will discover it is much easier to find a strain that is appealing to you and that will provide the desired effects. It’s also a good idea to work with a licensed doctor, who can help to steer you in the right direction.